Saturday 24 August 2013

Tenderness Inspire Tamariki Oriori (TITO)

Tito is a 4 week course to compose a song , lullaby or invent a story for your child, grandchild, inner-child, in order to create a message/mantra for the future generations. The whole process is designed by Iris Haeusermann Davis and Ojasvin Kingi Davis and is based on Maori culture and tradition .  Whanau Marama Parenting Programme donated premises for our Monday evening learning.
Pure poetry and spiritual bliss – thank you to the creator of the program Iris and Ojasvin, and sponsors  Elizabeth Cameron and Steve Taylor  to make it happen

I ruia mai I rangiatea Matariki, Tamariki......
The star seeds within the cosmos
From the Pleiades come the children of God.....

The result of TITO workshop, and Eva's Orior for Granddaughter Hanisia

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