Saturday, 27 June 2015

End of School Year

In Poland on the 26th of June, the school year ends, and 2 months of long summer holidays begin.
The last day at school is a special day.
Traditionally the students prepare a special celebration with lots of songs and artistic performances.
Parents are invited to come. Students give their teachers flowers as a symbol of appreciation for their work.
On this day it’s easy to recognize a teacher on a crowded street because they carry armfuls of colorful flowers.

The picture is of School nr 3 in Marki, where CMC was introduced in 2012.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Summer in Dubai


47 degrees didn’t stop children from playing and swimming. (My daughter said that's not so bad, because in summer, Dubai temperatures go up to 55 degrees Celsius ).
But, It's always uplifting to watch children playing  outdoors.

Monday, 8 June 2015

Visit from Bayswater Primary School

Last Friday and Monday we had 120 students visit us from  from Bayswater Primary School.

At NCG we had only experienced small groups before at the  Medicinal Weeds tour during Eco Festival in March, so such a  big group of students was a challenge. The advantage of the visit was that Bayswater is an Enviro school, so this visit could be an exchange between  “professionals” - and it was. It was very uplifting to have feedback from and interaction with students. 
Our program was full of activities:  sniffing lemon balm, watching chickens, we told about Yacon- special plant, there was a quiz concerning a bee balm . The students tried our famous nettle tea, and experienced hands massage with bee balm cream. At the finish they received a gift –with the sweetest plant on the earth – Stevia. Not only from students and teachers  I also had very good feedback from the volunteers running NCG , so I feel like this experience can be a foundation for our  future friendship and cooperation with the Bayswater Primary .